Monday, August 24, 2009

Kitten Update

Hi Everyone,

I have been so busy with getting ready for my new job and the kids ready for school I have not been able to update as often as I want. Although I am lacking in time we certainly are not lacking in excitement with the kittens. Today was a huge milestone. Two of the kittens have finally decided to eat kitten food. After almost 2 weeks of trying to introduce them to solid food, "Bunny" and "Baby" suddenly and very enthusiastically started eating canned kitten food today. I was with the kittens and Hannah earlier and Hannah and I were putting little bits on their lips and they were again acting as though we were insulting them with messing up their cute little kitten faces. So later I was downstairs helping my youngest son with summer reading reports on his last day of summer vacation (he had all summer to do!) and I heard a scream from upstairs and I ran up thinking "oh God what's wrong" and I barreled into the "Cat Room" and Hannah is sitting on the floor smiling ear to ear and pointing to "Bunny". She was gulping this kitten food like no tomorrow! Well, book reports on hold cause we all just sat and stared at the amazing fury in which this kitty was devouring this food. Then low and behold..."Baby" was over at Mommy's dish licking away at what she left behind and then we added the baby food and she went to town. Long story short it is 8:30 pm and book reports are just being printed and I just had to get this update on. Tomorrow is first day of school for my son and Hannah starts next week so I will be updating as much as time allows. But rest assured the kittens are growing and playing and are sooooo much fun. I can't wait to post the adorable pictures....hopefully tomorrow.


  1. Let the food fest sloppy kitteh mode begin.

    Congrats !

  2. Sounds wonderful! I can't wait to see photos :)

  3. Yay!! Looking forward to the pics, too! No worries gal, I'll gladly show you again!

  4. Oh that is great that they are on to kitten food! Hopefully the others will see them do it and join in (they say one thing to try and get the others to do stuff is to praise the ones doing it so the others want to do it and get praise too - but to me that just sounds like peer pressure).

  5. I can just imagine their little faces in the kitten food bowl, slurping away happily...too cute!

  6. Amy- So funny..the peer pressure thing! I am definitely going to try it :)


Hannah and Tigger

Hannah and Tigger
She still swears she is taking Tigger when she has a place of her own. She's only 17!

Scotchie and Bootsie

Scotchie and Bootsie
Scotchie in his better days...R.I.P. We love you Scotchie


Blind in one eye but as playful as any! Climbs up my leg is I don't hold him while trying to do chores.

Mr. Goatee

Mr. Goatee
Hanging with the cows.

LoverBoy, Whitey, Willie

LoverBoy, Whitey, Willie
Best Buds


He's just a cuddler and a loverboy


Diamond is a girls bestfriend!

Pretty Girl

Pretty Girl
Petite little girl


She arrived on the farm as just a baby with a little pink collar with a bell...hence the name Bella.


Mommy, that light is bright!


Loner and Crybaby


Kind of a bully with the other cats but loves people


He just won't let me tame him...yet!

MommaKitty and Diamond

MommaKitty and Diamond
Momma is spayed more kittens.

Our Dad and Our Poppy

Our Dad and Our Poppy
Lookin at the Garden

Big Momma

Big Momma
R.I.P. She was about 24 years old.

Goldy and Jack

Goldy and Jack
They really are friends....

Picky and Jantje

Picky and Jantje
Picky showing who's boss!

At the farm

At the farm
Typical shot of Dad leaning over truck reading the newspaper with Midnight and Winnie